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The Environmental Types

Building on the four dimensions, eight environmental types have been formulated to be consistent with Jungian theory and to reflect fundamental differences in the functioning of environmental egos.

Introverted Sensing Type

For the Introverted Sensing (IS) type, a single element can become the major focus of the environment. To insure the integrity or well being of this element, an IS environment can become quite specialized, as only by limiting the breadth of concern can the element receive maximum attention. Because of increased concentration on the element, IS environments often demand that people internalize and know many facts about it.

The numinous element in the IS environment is often viewed as lacking in some manner. Therefore, a "workshop" atmosphere evolves to keep the focus on fixing or restoring the element to it true nature. As such, an IS environment may rely on a detailed set of methodologies and/or tools-of-the-trade by which an element is allowed to be treated: the "craft".

Repair and restoration processes, as well as learning the IS environment's craft, can become elements requiring similar IS maintenance. Inefficiency and inaccuracy detract from the element and must be minimized. A simple, but often firm, judging reality may be found in the environment so that any problems that arise can be solved efficiently. If the element is complex or valuable, the presses for methodological perfection and/or specialized tools and training are even stronger.

Introverted Intuitive Type

The Introverted Intuitive (IN) environment may be described as unearthly or supernatural. Because of the hidden relationships among them, elements seem to have properties that depart from the physical and practical life of sensation. A world of symbols and archetypes, things are not what they seem in the IN environment. "Magic" is commonplace and no judging reality can make complete sense of it.

The associations in an IN environment are not easily revealed or understood. These IN connections between seemingly unrelated elements are often shrouded in mystery and debate. As individuals personalize their experience of them, they may feel as if they are on a "journey of discovery" to reveal these hidden connections. Because they may appear mystical, IN environments also elicit a certain amount of awe and respect, if not fear and anxiety.

The numinous qualities of intuitions in the IN environment rely on their uncommon ties to a common background (the collective unconscious). If people try to perceive them directly, they cannot. A mistake is to assume that some IN intuitions should appear in the external world (extraversion) or be made more real in some way (judgment). Often, nothing is gained and much is lost when knowledge about an association is evaluated and externalized.

Introverted Feeling Type

Introverted Feeling (IF) reality exists as a system of unalterable values about our basic connections to elements, especially people. Occasionally, the focus may be on a single belief or value, which can acquire a numinous quality, and individuals are asked to have faith in its immutable validity. Often IF values are accepted as givens and are so ingrained as to be dogmatic. When deliberate expression is given (in ceremonies and rituals), these values and beliefs can acquire sacred and religious qualities.

The IF environment values people as people: members of the family of humankind. The environment assumes a deep appreciation for the life force but may not expect many extraverted displays of it. Still, each individual must personally determine how he/she will interact with the IF environment: It always beckons if a person chooses to listen. In turn, the IF environment tries to provide a supportive climate for the expression of individual loyalties and values.

IF reality can apply equally to the physical realm. Many elements in the environment may possess sentimental value, either personally or in a collective sense. The "inherent worth" of an element is a key notion in an IF environment. The daily interactions with valued elements (e.g., people, things, or ideas) may yield a sense of ecstasy for individuals who are committed to IF reality.

Introverted Thinking Type

The "unrevealed truth" that manages the Introverted Thinking (IT) environment is like an ultimate equation that explains everything in the universe. Because a singular solution can answer every question, understanding even the smallest piece of the larger equation is revealing of IT reality. The press on individuals may be toward systematic exploration to uncover and/or understand the central truth. This collective understanding may appear as a science.

People in this environment must define that part of IT reality that they wish to understand or use. As a consequence, the IT environment may contain prototypes or models that reduce the problem to its primary components. An individual learns that people, events, objects, and behaviors are mere variables and constants to serve in the solving of the equation. Anything (or anyone) that cannot be formulated as a constant is usually eliminated, avoided, or tightly controlled.

To manage its inner workings, different systems develop to help exert control over confounding factors. Individuals may feel a constant questioning and examination of everything and everybody. To establish order in the IT environment, the elements may be minimized to reduce the chances of contamination. Change could be slow, with many things frozen in time, especially interpersonal relationships.

Extraverted Sensing Type

An extraverted sensing (ES) environment is filled with elements that energize the senses. As the building blocks to the ES environment, these elements generate an abundance of energy and compete for our perceptions. This concrete energy is "pure and natural," although occasionally can seem crude in its unrefined and unfiltered forms. It can be quite strong or intoxicating and definitely hard to ignore.

The ES environment may be brightly lit, tastefully decorated, and/or crowded by a variety of people. Of all the extraverted environmental types perhaps, the ES environment pulls the strongest on the people in it. Everyone has to get involved and experience what it has to offer. The ES environment may have a pragmatic side, as many of its elements concern our basic physical needs and may be essential to the existence of individuals in it.

Generally, "what you see is what you get" in an ES environment. Nonetheless, because judging is not the primary press, the people in an ES environment may not need to give attention to the time of day or to what others will think. Instead, they are expected to "act natural." Pretense and airs, themes and motifs, or ulterior motives are simply ignored.

Extraverted Intuitive Type

The Extraverted Intuitive (EN) environment provides an arena for people to explore and create. Elements in the EN environment become vehicles to meet intuitive presses, and the ability to build information or patterns from them is paramount. People may be expected to use multidisciplinary approaches and to synthesize across several areas.

An important aspect of the EN environment is the fact that intuitions can become elements to new intuitions. That is, at the moment that an intuition is formulated in the environment, it immediately becomes an element. Ultimately, the intuitive process is what is important, and everyone and everything are involved in it. To facilitate the EN process, opportunities for spontaneous acts and enterprising ventures are provided.

To avoid confining the intuitive process, individuals in the EN environment are usually not constrained by time or space (a "loose" judging process). The environment can also become crowded, not by elements necessarily, but by the potential numbers of relationship among them. Consequently, people may feel as if the "work is never done": Another intuition is always waiting!

Extraverted Feeling Type

An extraverted feeling (EF) environment's reality is based on shared beliefs about how elements (especially people) should be connected. Because it relies on the membership to define its nature, each EF environment is as different as the people who populate it. EF reality is a "negotiated arrangement" among individuals: Changing one person or one thing within the environment can alter its entire complexion.

Through a concern for people and pleasant interactions, the EF environment tries to maintain an overt and harmonious network of interpersonal relationships. A basic trust and warmth might be quite tangible. Members may feel a true sense of attachment to the environment, regardless of their personal characteristics. In a large group, coalitions may be formed, however.

The only way to experience an EF environment is to participate in it actively. Because the connections that people make provide the judging structure that they need to behave, a major task of the environment involves developing rapport through participation and sharing. In other words, group process - relating as members and improving interpersonal attachments - is usually the most vital task in the EF environment.

Extraverted Thinking Type

The reality in the Extraverted Thinking (ET) environment is logical in its operation and pervasive in its impact, and may be evidenced by an externalized and/or centralized set of rules or policies. These standards serve as a predictable and explicit method to assess and manage behaviors. As the number of elements increases, the more objective and standardized these rules can become.

As such, an ET environment can acquire economic or businesslike characteristics. Resources are identifiable and manageable. Success is easy to see but may be difficult to achieve. Many interactions could be described as "win/lose" and competitive. People may be vital to the environment but are treated as any other element that can be managed.

The ET system provides a standard by which individuals can judge behaviors, their own and the actions of others. Both winners and losers are known. Usually, people who deviate or challenge the system are quickly identified and corrected (unless, of course, they have acquired enough resources to change the system). These "offenses" are usually handled in an unbiased manner that is meant to assure equality and justice.

